How to Paint Wood Veneer (11-Step EASY Guide!)

Ever looked at a piece of wood veneer furniture and thought, ‘How can I give this a fresh, new look?’ You’re in the right place! Let’s transform it together.

How to Paint Wood Veneer

Do you have a piece of veneer furniture that needs a makeover but you’re not quite sure how to do it? 

Well, just about 10 years ago in 2013, I was in the same boat. 

I’m a big fan of thrift shopping, and one of my hobbies is finding old items and giving them a fresh look, so I decided to try rejuvenating a piece of veneer furniture for the first time.

Although I liked the furniture I found, I had no clue how to make it look new again, whether painting it was an option, or how to go about the process. That’s what motivated me to dive into this project. 

The exciting discovery I made is that painting veneer furniture is absolutely doable! All you need are a few basic tools, some effort, and the right paint to transform that old piece into something that feels as good as new.

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    If you’re eager to hear about my experience and gain insights into this topic, then stay with me. I’ll be taking you through my journey and providing guidance on how to paint veneer furniture.

    So, let’s find out, How to paint wood veneer?

    To paint wood veneer, clean the surface and lightly sand it for better adhesion. Apply a primer designed for veneer, and once dry, paint with acrylic or latex paint using a brush or roller. Finish with a protective sealant to enhance durability. Ensure sufficient drying time between each step.

    But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

    Many of us have some veneer furniture in our homes. Over time, these pieces can start looking a bit worn with scratches or stains. 

    But there’s no need to throw them away because veneered wood can be painted to give your furniture a fresh, new look.

    Without any more waiting, let’s dive in!

    Painted wood veneer furniture and woodwork
    Painted wood veneer furniture and woodwork

    What Is Wood Veneer?

    First thing first!  If we’re considering painting, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the wood we’re working with. 

    We’ll kick things off by understanding what wood veneers are.

    Wood veneer is a thin layer of real wood, usually less than 1/40 inch thick (1mm). It’s created by slicing or peeling natural wood into these very thin sheets. 

    These veneer sheets are then typically bonded or laminated onto thicker core materials like plywood, particle board, MDF (medium-density fiberboard), or even solid hardwood like oak. 

    The result is a material that looks like solid wood but is much thinner. 

    Wood veneer has a range of applications. Such as,

    • Common uses include doors, wood cabinets, furniture, and interior finishes. 
    • It’s also frequently used by architects and designers for both complete interiors and accent pieces. 
    • Also, wood veneer can be found in lighting fixtures, speaker boxes, musical instruments, and even in the production of cell phone cases, greeting cards, jewellery, wall art, eyewear, and more.
    Factors to consider when painting wood venee
    Factors to consider when painting wood venee

    Pros and Cons of Wood Veneer

    Wood veneer makes more efficient use of natural wood, offering a larger decorative surface area than thick hardwood.The thinness of wood veneer means it’s not as structurally strong as solid wood. It may not be suitable for load-bearing applications.
    Using wood veneer reduces the demand for large, solid wood boards, making it a more sustainable and eco-friendly option.The veneer can be more susceptible to damage, such as scratching and denting, due to its thin nature.
    The veneer can be applied to surfaces that would be challenging or impossible to cover with solid wood.It may require more careful maintenance to avoid damage, and refinishing can be limited due to the thin layer of wood.
    Wood veneer can be stained and finished to suit individual preferences, just like solid wood. It retains depth, colour, and character.While a veneer can replicate exotic woods that are rare or expensive, it may still be relatively costly, depending on the wood type and rarity.

    Now that we have a better understanding of what wood veneer is, let’s delve deeper into the question of whether it’s suitable for painting in the next section, “Is it OK to Paint Wood Veneer?”

    Benefits of painting wood veneer
    Benefits of painting wood veneer

    Can You Paint Wood Veneer? 

    Yes, you can paint wood veneer. Painting wood veneer involves proper preparation, including repairing any damage, cleaning, sanding, priming, and applying paint. 

    Using the right tools, and paint type, and following the necessary steps will result in a fresh and durable finish that can transform your wood veneer furniture.

    If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s a good idea to paint wood veneer, you’re in the right place. 

    The answer is a YES, it is ok to paint wood veneer, but with a few warnings. 

    Painting wood veneer surfaces can be a fantastic way to modernize furniture, give new life to older pieces, or ensure that a unique item fits into your updated interior décor.

    However, there are some crucial considerations to keep in mind. To make your painting project a success, here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

    Surface Condition Matters 

    Before diving into a painting project, it’s crucial to assess the condition of the wood veneer. 

    If the bones of your furniture piece are solid, you’re in a great spot to renovate and customize it to match your changing style.

    Understand the Process 

    Painting wood veneer isn’t a matter of slapping on a coat of paint. 

    The key to success lies in proper preparation, which includes cleaning, sanding, and priming the veneer before you even think about that final finish coat.

    In the upcoming section, we’ll delve into the comprehensive details of the factors you need to consider for a successful Veneer paint job. 

    So, if you’re eager to give your furniture a fresh new look, keep reading.

    Best paints for wood veneer
    Best paints for wood veneer

    Factors You Need To Consider Before Painting Wood Veneer

    When it comes to painting wood veneer, a successful outcome depends on several crucial factors. 

    Here, we delve into these considerations to ensure that your painting is not only visually a masterpiece but also durable and long-lasting.

    Veneer Surface Condition

    As mentioned above, the first and most critical consideration is the condition of the wood veneer itself. 

    Before you even think about paint, assess the veneer for any chipping, gouging, or other damage. 

    Any loose veneer must be addressed, and the edges around these imperfections should be sanded down for a smooth transition. 

    Fill each hole with a suitable wood filler and ensure it is suitable for achieving a flawless finish.

    Surface Preparation 

    Proper surface preparation is the foundation of a successful paint job on wood veneer. This step involves cleaning the surface thoroughly, free from dirt, grease, and stains. 

    For stubborn stains, a dishwashing detergent can be used to tackle them effectively. 

    However, be cautious about avoiding any cleaners containing wax or silicone, as these can lead to a bad appearance over time.

    Painted wood veneer floor
    Painted wood veneer floor

    Desired Outcome 

    What do you imagine for your painted wood veneer piece? The style and finish you desire play a significant role in the choice of paint and the painting technique you’ll employ. 

    Different paints, such as furniture or cabinet paint, are formulated to adhere well to smooth surfaces like veneer, ensuring a durable and professional finish. 

    Select the paint that aligns with your choice.

    The Importance of Primer 

    Before applying the final finish coat, primer is essential to create an even and stable base. 

    Choose a high-quality primer specifically designed for smooth surfaces like veneer. 

    Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for thin, even coats, allowing each layer to dry completely before proceeding.

    Heat, Moisture, and Sunlight

    Even after painting, it’s essential to safeguard your wood veneer from potential damage. Heat, moisture, and direct sunlight can pose long-term threats. 

    Placemats and coasters can protect against heat-related issues, while spills should be promptly wiped away to prevent moisture damage. 

    For sunlight, consider avoiding direct exposure or use blinds, curtains, or UV screens and films to shield your furniture.

    By taking these factors into account and dedicating the time and effort to proper preparation, you prepare the best way for a painting project that transforms your wood veneer into a stunning, long-lasting masterpiece. 

    In the upcoming section, “Best Paint for Wood Veneer,” we’ll explore the paint options best suited for this task.

    Painted wood veneer wall
    Painted wood veneer wall

    Best Paint for Wood Veneer

    Our knowledge won’t make a difference if we can’t select the suitable paint type. 

    Because the choice of paint is crucial in achieving the desired look and durability for your wood veneer furniture. 

    When it comes to selecting the right paint for your wood veneer project, you have several options to choose from. 

    Each type of paint offers distinct benefits and drawbacks, allowing you to make a choice that aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

    Oil-Based Paint

    • Oil-based paints are famous for their vibrant colors and unique glossy finish. 
    • They offer exceptional protection against heat, moisture, mold, insects, and abrasions, making them a durable choice for wood veneer. 
    • However, these paints can be expensive, harder to clean, and come with longer drying times. 
    • They also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so adequate ventilation and mask usage are essential.

    Chalk Paint 

    • Chalk paint provides an ultra-matte, antique-like finish and is a convenient choice for painting veneer furniture. 
    • It requires minimal surface preparation, adhering easily without the need for extensive sanding. 
    • However, to prevent flaking, it’s crucial to apply a topcoat. 
    • Chalk paint comes in various colors and is perfect for achieving a unique, light appearance.

    Acrylic Paint

    • Acrylic paints are versatile and easy to use, offering bright colors. 
    • They are water-based, non-toxic, and have a fast-drying nature. 
    • While they are not ideal for blending due to quick drying, acrylic paints are great for adding multiple layers. 
    • Their ease of cleaning and reduced VOC emissions make them a popular choice for many crafters.

    Enamel Paint

    • Enamel paint, whether oil-based or water-based, provides a durable, glossy finish and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor furniture. 
    • It forms a protective, hard coating that shields against moisture and mildew. 
    • Enamel paint offers a wide range of pastel colours and may not require extensive priming, depending on the veneer’s finish.

    Consider the type of paint that best suits your project based on factors like drying time, primer requirements, and finish preference. 

    In the upcoming section, “Preparing for the Painting Process,” we will guide you through the essential steps to get your veneer furniture ready for painting.

    How to paint wood veneer
    How to paint wood veneer

    How to Paint Wood Veneer?

    Painting wood veneers can give new life to old pieces and allow you to customize them to match your decor. 

    However, it’s essential to follow the right steps to ensure a smooth and durable finish. 

    In this guide, I will take you through the process of painting wood veneers step by step.

    1. Repair Veneer if Necessary

    Before you start the painting process, inspect the wood veneer surface for any damage. If you find any chipped or damaged areas, it’s crucial to repair them. 

    Use wood glue to reapply any loose veneer, and if the veneer has chips or cracks, fill them with wood filler. After filling, sand the repaired areas to create a smooth surface.

    2. Clean the Wood Veneer

    Clean the wood veneer surface thoroughly to ensure proper paint adhesion. 

    Use a mixture of detergent and water to wipe down the surface, removing any dirt or grime. After cleaning, make sure the surface is completely dry before proceeding.

    Painted wood veneer ceiling
    Painted wood veneer ceiling

    3. Sand the Veneer Surface

    Use fine-grit sandpaper or a sanding block to scuff up the veneer surface slightly. This scuffing helps the primer and paint adhere better. 

    Be careful not to sand through the veneer to create a rougher surface, not remove the veneer itself. 

    Vacuum the surface or use a tack cloth or any other alternative to remove any dust after sanding.

    4. Apply Primer

    Apply a thin and even coat of primer to the veneer surface, making sure to cover all surfaces, including corners and edges. 

    Primer provides a better surface for the paint to adhere to and prevents it from flaking or cracking. 

    Consider that the primer should be dried for at least 24 hours.

    Read to know about applying Lacquer Primer For Wood!

    Tip for painting wood veneer
    Tip for painting wood veneer

    5. Sand the Primed Surface

    Once the primer has fully dried, gently sand the surface using fine-grit sandpaper, typically around 220 grit. 

    This step helps remove any imperfections and provides a smooth surface for painting. 

    After sanding, vacuum or use a tack cloth to remove any dust.

    6. Apply More Primer

    Apply a second coat of primer and let it dry for at least 24 hours. Proper drying time is essential before you proceed to paint.

    Check out my detailed guide about How Many Coats Of Primer On Wood? For Perfect Finish!

    7. Sand the Surface Lightly

    Again the surface should be sanded lightly with fine-grit sandpaper. Ensure that the surface is smooth and free of any blemishes.

    Vacuum or use a tack cloth to remove dust.

    8. Paint the Veneer

    Now it’s time to apply your paint. Stir the paint thoroughly before pouring it into your paint tray. 

    Start by using a paintbrush to get into corners, edges, and any hard-to-reach areas. 

    Then, switch to a roller and apply a thin, even coat of paint to the entire veneer surface. 

    And let the paint dry according to the requirements such as environmental conditions, and manufacturer’s instructions.

    Did you know fact about painting wood veneer
    Did you know fact about painting wood veneer

    9. Sand the Surface Again

    Once the paint is dry, lightly sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth finish. 

    10. Paint a Second Coat

    Apply a second coat of paint and let it dry thoroughly for at least 24 to 48 hours. 

    Depending on the type of paint used, you may need to wait for different durations between coats and environmental conditions.

    Read to know Does Paint Dry Darker or Lighter? (Here’s the Truth!)

    11. Varnish the Piece

    For added protection, apply several coats of varnish or a clear topcoat to the painted surface. 

    This step will safeguard the paint from chips, scratches, scuffs, stains, and water damage. 

    Follow the instructions on the specific product you choose for application.

    Read to know How To Apply Varnish Without Brush Marks (Ultimate Guide!)

    By following these steps and taking your time, you can successfully paint wood veneer furniture, giving it a fresh and personalized look that fits your style and decor.

    So that wraps up the story of wood veneer painting, but it’s not the final chapter. Are you interested in discovering some extra tips to improve your chances of success?

    Tip to paint wood veneer
    Tip to paint wood veneer

    Tips for Painting Wood Veneer

    To ensure a successful painting project on veneer, follow these tips and tricks:

    • Proper Preparation: The key to a successful paint job on veneer is preparation. Repair any peeling or damaged veneer using the right adhesive or wood filler. 
    • Choosing the Right Paint: Select the appropriate paint type for your project. Oil-based or water-based paints work well on wood veneer. Consider chalk paint or acrylic paint for a more vintage or artistic finish.
    • Use Primer: Apply a high-quality primer compatible with your chosen paint type. Primer helps the paint adhere to the veneer, prevents peeling, and improves coverage. 
    • Sand the Surface Gently: Lightly sand the veneer to scuff up the surface. This provides the paint with better adhesion. Avoid sanding too hard.
    • Proper Tools: Use a roller for large, flat surfaces and a paintbrush for edges and corners. High-quality tools can make a considerable difference in the final outcome.
    • Curing Time: Allow the painted veneer to cure fully before using the furniture regularly. Curing times can vary, so consult the paint and sealer manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Avoid Common Mistakes: Don’t rush the project. Skipping steps or not allowing proper drying times can lead to paint issues. 

    By following these tips, you can successfully paint wood veneer furniture, achieving a durable and attractive result that revitalizes your décor. 

    So, there you have it – a step-by-step guide to painting wood veneer.

    Now that you’ve acquired a wealth of information about wood veneer, its advantages and disadvantages, and the process of painting it. 

    That means, you now can rejuvenate your wood veneer furniture.

    Painted wood veneer furniture

    So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


    Can I paint directly on wood veneer without sanding it first?

    While you can technically paint directly onto wood veneer, it is highly recommended to lightly sand the surface first to improve adhesion and achieve a smoother finish.

    What type of paint should I use on wood veneer?

    Acrylic or latex-based paints are suitable for wood veneer surfaces as they adhere well and provide a durable finish; however, it’s important to use a primer beforehand to ensure the best results.

    Do I need to use a primer before painting wood veneer?

    Yes, using a primer before painting wood veneer is essential as it helps to create a smooth surface, ensures better adhesion of the paint, and can prevent peeling or chipping over time.

    How do I repair damaged areas on wood veneer before painting?

    Small scratches or dents in wood veneer can be filled with wood filler, sanded smooth, and then primed before painting to achieve an even and flawless finish.

    How many coats of paint do I need to apply on wood veneer?

    Typically, two coats of paint are sufficient for covering wood veneer, but this might vary depending on the color of the paint, the type of veneer, and the desired finish.

    Can I use a spray paint on wood veneer?

    Yes, spray paint can be used on wood veneer and may provide a smoother finish, but it is important to apply it in light, even coats and to use a primer beforehand for best results.

    How long should I wait for the paint to dry on wood veneer?

    The drying time can vary based on the type of paint and environmental conditions, but it is generally recommended to wait at least 2-4 hours between coats and 24 hours for the final coat to fully cure.

    What is the best way to achieve a smooth finish when painting wood veneer?

    To achieve a smooth finish, start by properly sanding and priming the veneer, use a high-quality brush or foam roller to apply thin, even coats of paint, and lightly sand between coats if necessary.

    Do I need to seal the painted wood veneer?

    While not always necessary, applying a clear protective sealant over the painted veneer can enhance its durability and protect the surface from scratches and wear.

    How do I clean and maintain my painted wood veneer furniture?

    Clean the painted veneer surface with a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner, and avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing tools that could damage the finish.

    Did I cover all you wanted to know about: How to Paint Wood Veneer?

    In this article, I deeply discussed how to paint wood veneer properly using the right techniques with the factors you need to consider.

    To Paint wood veneer,  first, you need to prepare the surface and repair any damage. Then, sand the wood and apply primer. Next, apply the paint along the wood grain following the manufacturer’s instructions.  Finally, let the paint dry and cure for 24-48 hours before applying a protective sealer.

    Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions.

    Once again, a kind reminder!

    The key is in the preparation. Repair, clean, sand, prime, and paint with care. Use the right tools and materials, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful project.

    Happy Veneer Painting!

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    Walter Parker is a woodworking enthusiast. He is passionate about woodworking projects & plays with woodworking tools having spent over 2 decades as a leader for Woodworking Planet. He wants to make people love woodworking! Read More About Him! Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

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